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Writer's pictureRahul Malandkar

Trademark Registration Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some of the most common trademark registration mistakes to avoid in India:

  • Not doing a trademark search: Before you register a trademark, it's important to do a trademark search to make sure that the mark is available for registration. If you register a trademark that is already being used by someone else, you could be liable for trademark infringement.

  • Not filing your trademark application correctly: The trademark application process can be complex, so it's important to make sure that you file your application correctly. If you make a mistake, it could delay the registration process or even result in the rejection of your application.

  • Not paying the trademark registration fees: There are fees associated with trademark registration, and you'll need to pay these fees in order to register your mark. If you don't pay the fees, your application will be rejected.

  • Not renewing your trademark registration: Trademark registrations are valid for ten years, and you'll need to renew your registration every ten years in order to keep your trademark rights. If you don't renew your registration, your trademark will lapse and will be available for use by anyone.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of successfully registering your trademark in India.

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